Legal disclaimer

Legal Disclaimer

The information on this website is for educational purposes only. It is not legal or tax advice. Laws vary by state, so you should research the specific laws in your state. If you have specific questions about your rights or the laws in your state, please contact an attorney or professional tax advisor.

Auto Value Professionals is not licensed in every state.

Please call us to confirm that we can help you in your individual state.

Auto Value Professionals operates from Palm Beach, Florida.

Users of this site agree that the laws of Palm Beach County, Florida, will govern all transactions, and Palm Beach County, Florida is the only location in which any action may be brought.

Auto Value Professionals reserves the right to refuse service to anyone for any reason.

Auto Value Professionals has made every effort that the information on this website is as accurate as possible; however, we assume no responsibility for any errors or omissions in this site or our reports. If you require legal services please contact a local attorney in your area. All rights reserved.

Cancellation Policy

If the customer wishes to cancel an in-progress appraisal, they may do so at any time prior to receiving our appraisal.

There is a $75 fee for cancellation. Any and all requested refunds will be issued only after we receive payment of this cancellation fee.

Refund Policy

The fees for any report is not contingent upon any value reflected in the report. We reserve the right to amend the claim if there is an accidental error or omission. There is no guarantee either written or implied of a specific settlement.

Requirements for a refund:

  1. The client must have made all needed documents available to Autovalue.
  2. Evidence of filing with the Dept of Insurance and their written response.

We can not guarantee that the insurer will pay the entire claim amount. No guarantee for a full and final settlement has been made either verbal or in writing regarding a full settlement.

If after submitting the appraisal and a demand letter — following our instructions, and pursuing reasonable collection attempts — you are offered a settlement that is less than the cost of our Appraisal fees, we will refund to you the full appraisal fee. Typically, the refund checks take 30 days to process.

Situations where we will not refund your money if you do not receive at least the cost of the appraisal:

All unapproved chargebacks will be treated as insurance fraud and referred to the proper authorities.

To qualify for our money back guarantee the following terms and conditions apply to your vehicle: